About Us
Juniata Valley Occupational Health(JVOH) was born in June of 2009 with the acquisition of the Occupational Medicine department of the Lewistown Hospital, which was serving the Occupational Medicine needs of the community for the previous decade.
JVOH provides a full spectrum of Occupational Medicine services for Mifflin County and parts of Centre, Juniata, Snyder, and Perry counties. JVOH has grown with the diverse needs of the working world and the complex networking of employers and employees. At JVOH, callers still get to talk to real people when they call with questions or needs of service. Real effort is made to provide the service that employers, employees, and the community need, in a matter that is genuinely caring and compassionate.
Dec 9th Update:
Random Pool For DOT Drug Testing:
JVOH offers random pool drug testing for DOT at very competitive rates. Call our office for details to join our pool.
Dec 9th Update:
While it has been over a year since we moved from the old 27 Sandy Lane Geisinger site, we still have clients going back to the old Lemed, now “27 Sandy Lane Geisinger,” site for appointments! For the record, we have been, are, and plan to be at 110 Electric Avenue!
The challenges of living and working in 2022 are not for the faint of heart. Stress, anxiety, depression, substance addiction, gambling, anger, and hurts of all kinds tear people down and down. JVOH is sponsoring a “Celebrate Recovery” activity every Tuesday evening 7-8 PM onsite in the office. You do not have to struggle alone. Join us for the support that you need. Call 717-348-5090 for more information.

Work-Related Injuries
It is our goal to provide quality, prompt, and cost-competitive care for injured employees with attention to return to work restrictions and modified duty options. Follow-up care is provided through maximal medical improvement. Referrals are made as needed to paneled subspecialty providers. It is our goal to minimize recordable injuries as feasible and as determined by the level of injury.
- Eye Injuries
- Lacerations
- Simple Fractures
- Spine Injuries
- Blunt Trauma
- Toxins Exposure
- Ankle/Knee Injuries
- Shoulder Injuries
- Head Injuries
- Other Work-Related Injuries
Physical Exams
Commercial Driver License (CDL)
Fit Test
Fitness For Duty
Student Drivers
Drug Testing
A full spectrum of drug and alcohol testing is provided for the workplace as well as Medical Review Officer services.
Daily Hours
- Scheduled Tests
- First-Come, First-Served Walk-Ins
- Drug Tests Available: 7:30AM – 3:00PM
- Office Hours Available: 7:30AM – 4:00PM
After Hours
- Call 717-310-0012 For Service
- Additional Fees For After Hours
- Available: 4:00PM – 7:00AM

Audio Testing
- Baseline and annual audiogram testing is provided according to OSHA guidelines in our sound booth.
- Contact us for large group rates.
Travel Medicine
- Pre-travel assessments for immunizations are offered for mission, business, and leisure travels.
- Our clinic is certified for Yellow Fever immunizations.
- Most vaccines stocked for immediate use.